Who is the contemporary learner?


Who is the contemporary learner?

How will the characteristics of our Gen Z learners depicted in the Meet GenZ video define their engagement in the traditional classroom snippet?

Gen z learners of the 21st century are different from other millennial generations. As a society we are just beginning to realize and understand how Gen z  have an impact on the future. Gen z educational settings focus on inclusive classrooms and differentiated instruction. There is much grater diversity amongst Gen z, they also seek education and knowledge and their social circles are global.

Referring to the ideas presented by Willis and Robinson, is this level of creativity in evidence in the schools you have attended, both as a student, and as a preservice teacher? Furthermore, is this level of creativity in evidence in your University units? As secondary pre-service teaching students, you will experience a variety of approaches to teaching, learning and course design in your discipline studies. Why were your previous studies presented in that particular way? How could they have been presented?

My learning style is visual/verbal. I like to make sure that I am prepared by having lessons planned in detail before stepping into the classrooms. As for unit content at university, I believe some of it is holistic and valuable, but overall needs to cater for all learning styles.

What do you think the implications are of a curriculum that is linear, progressive, aimed at a single learning outcome for the development of both individuals and the society we live in?

The implications for a curriculum that is one minded only allows learners to be capable at so many things. The curriculum needs to be based on real life content and experiences so that children are ready for life after school.

How can ICTs help you in the development of a professional learning network? How are you feeling about this?

Networking with people on a global and national scale in other areas of education would help build on my professional development as a pre service teacher and to develop an understanding of educational content from other parts of the world.


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