Week 5 Presenting Learning in the 21st Century


Twenty First Century classroom

Presenting learning in the 21st century

Today technology plays an important role in a teachers pedagogy. In the twenty first century there are a multitude of digital recourses and promote and present learning on a contextualized platform that enables students to become pro-active, collaborative self learners with in todays society. The purpose of a presentation is to persuade, narrate and to educate.

As you can see in the picture above, the teacher is merely the facilitator of learning that is occurring. Students are using their own personal devices while engaging in content and in front of them is a PowerPoint being presented on the interactive white board.

Using power point presentations (PPP) in the classroom have considerable potentials for  students and teachers. PPP have become an instructional aid in educational settings. An outstanding PowerPoint has the potential and power to culminate the attention of students and empower them to analyze, synthesize capabilities and improve focus on content. While undertaking Professional Placement earlier this year, most classes that I observed had PPP embedded into the learning taking place. 

In food technology, I would deliver theoretical lessons using a PPP by applying instruction through a step by step learning processes in understanding what a "Fad Diet" is and 'why people like to do them' also the potential 'health risks' that may be associated with them.🠊

Establishing a PowerPoint Presentation.

 If your computer or laptop contains a Microsoft   package installed in windows, you most probably   have PowerPoint embedded on or in your start menu. Below is a step by step process from Microsoft support in creating your own PPP.

Technology Network

Create a Presentation To learn in depth How to create a PowerPoint Presentation follow the highlighted link which will direct you to Microsoft support How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation. This page also gives you access to article and a demonstration on how to create presentations for businesses, education and speeches.

Now that we have established how to design a PowerPoint Presentation, why is it a good tool for learners to use in the contemporary classrooms of the 21st century?

Students can use PP to apply their current skills and knowledge through the use of a presentation. The benefits for learners are that they can design and develop an effective presentation that embeds audio, video or images while they improve on speaking and written skills. Below are some creative solutions embedded through problem-based learning and PPP's.

▶ Visual Interpretation 

▶Creative writing classes


▶Presenting information to the whole class




SAMR Model

The SAMR Model.

Using the SAMR model in Food Technology 
through an assessment task on Sustainability and Environmental factors would see students use feedback through understanding the processes and skills required to submit the required task using PowerPoint Presentations.


Students would work collaborated in small groups to design a flow chart on sustainability and share this information as a group presentation in front of the class.


For an assessment task, students can create their PPP using voice over or video content to explain the processes of sustainability.


Students present current and unto date knowledge of sustainability and environmental factors by using footage they have sourced by embedding this in a PPP also using images and text.


Students could collaborate in small groups producing a PPP and embedding the presentation on web-spaces and blogger for peer and teacher to see and provide feedback.

Legal Safe and Ethical Practice

There are many dimensions of legal, safe and ethical practices.
When using ICT's or any technology to be precise students and teachers are to use the appropriate practices and protocols of the educational institution while using technology and ICT's and to safely create, communicate and share information



M, C,. Ogeyik. The Effectiveness of PowerPoint Presentations: Conventional lecture on Pedagogical content knowledge attainment. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/309604192_the_effectiveness_of_powerpoint_presentation_conventional_lecture_on_pedagogical_content_knowledge_attainment

Create a Presentation in PowerPoint. https://www.support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-presentation-in-powerpoint-422250f8-5721-92cc-202fa7b89617



  1. Hi Anita, well done on completing your third post on multimedia presentations! It is interesting that you chose PowerPoint to explore for this reflection. I enjoyed reading your introductory reflection and the way you would use PowerPoints as a teacher delivering content. You have clearly outlined the benefits of using PowerPoint for teaching-learning and many of us are drawn to the user-friendly features. However in terms of the assessment criteria, it is my understanding that if you were to choose PowerPoint to reflect on, you are to reflect on the tool beyond the basic functions. You might consider playing around with the ways in which you can use digital media in the program and creative, enegaging ways of presenting with PowerPoint. I liked the way you blended Food Technology into the SAMR model using a sustainability assessment task. You have clearly identified the use of PowerPoints in each stage of the model. Perhaps ensure it is clear what is being substituted – would this group flow chart and presentation be instead of a worksheet activity?

  2. Hi Anita,
    I love the way you did your photos, click on them and they enlarge. You will neeed to tell me how you did this please.
    I feel you met the brief well, discuss the presentation tool, you showed fluency by incorporating this into the classroom & on SAMR. I do feel you neglected to show ICT skill with a screen shot off the set up in PowerPoint.
    Did you make the SAMR model? It was very good.
    Congratulations on another blog.


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