Week 4 - Digital Media


Digital Media
Digital Media

Once again as I delve into the dark and unknown depths of digital technology, I've had a small but mighty breakthrough in understanding  concepts and processes of digital technology in contemporary learning of the 21st century.

The pedagogical affordance of using selected media can be utilized within many classrooms from primary, secondary and universities to transfer, support active learning or student centre products.

Digital Media can be used to as a direct instruction or facilitate active learning for students, it can also be used as an effective teaching strategy for educators.

Digital Media
 Research has shown that people learn better through abstract, new and novel concepts when presented verbally and visually (Salomon, 1979)Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning (carleton.edu)

Advantages of using Media:

  • Many media sources (feature films, music videos, visualizations, news stories) have very high production quality capable of showcasing complex ideas in a short period of time. This helps develop quantitative reasoning. Learn more about this technique using the Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with the News module.
  • Media offers both cognitive and affective experiences. It can provoke discussion, an assessment of one's values, and an assessment of self if the scenes have strong emotional content.
  • The use of media sources help connect learners with events that are culturally relevant. As a result, a positive consequence of utilizing media is that instructors must keep their materials and examples up-to-date.
  • News stories can be used to connect theories taught in the classroom with real world events and policies.

Advantages of using Media for students:

  • Popular media (films, music, YouTube) are a familiar medium to students that helps gain attention and maintain student interest in the theories and concepts under discussion. Students can see the theories and concepts in action. In more than a figurative sense, theories and concepts leap from the screen.
  • Students can hone their analytical skills by analyzing media using the theories and concepts they are studying.
  • The use of media in the classroom enables students to see concepts and new examples when they are watching television, listening to music, or are at the movies with friends.
    • Students can experience worlds beyond their own, especially if the media is sharply different from their local environment.
    For more information read this articleWhy Use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning (carleton.edu)

    Pedagogy Meets Digital Media: A Tangle of Teachers, Strategies, and Tactics

    Julie Rust from Millsaps College explains that digital or new media is more than just a collection of digital or screen-based devices or platform; rather it encompasses a conglomeration of shifting tools, practices, norms and expectations that help create particular kinds of spaces, activities and a way of being in the classroom. 

    Traditional Teaching

    Teaching in the 21st Century has changed. For some educators it has become a daunting process to understand as traditional teaching and learning styles are embedded through using modern day technology to conceptualize and capture learning in a new lens. Technology has become a large part of everyone's lives in and out of the classroom.

    Teachers who embed technology into their pedagogies are creating meaningful learning experiences for their students.
    Technology along with digital media are a powerful teaching tool when accompanied with formative strategies, this in hindsight allows educators to become more the facilitator rather then the educator and gives students the opportunity to be their own teachers and take charge of their own learning. 

    Types of Media
    Types of Digital Media for students use.

    Throughout this week, I have leaped in to the web despite my un-sure feelings, I did explore and succeeded to find some powerful digital media tools for teacher-student learning that underpin the integration of technology in to the classroom. 

    Graphic Designer-HMH
    This free website helps students conform ideas and collaborate more effectively with peers by using the many available resources they can download. Here are some templates to look at:

    Photo Editing/Graphic Design-Befunky
    Be funky is a creative platform that is everything you need to edit, create and make photo collage.
    Follow this link to see for yourself: BeFunky: Free Online Photo Editing and Collage Maker

    Easely allows you to visualize any kind of information then simply turn it into an infographic.easel.ly | create and share visual ideas using infographics

    Audacity is a free and open source cross-platform audio software that is easy to use and provides a multi-track audio editor. Other features that are provided with audacity are; recorder, effects analyzing and export/import features.

    Social Media Platforms-Twitter/Facebook/Instagram
    All thought at times social media can bare negative affects on youth, it is also a platform for keeping up to date with all that is happening. If used right, it can be a productive source for collaboration and to share a plethora of information among others while staying in touch.

    Design Technology

    Digital Media in my teaching area.

    Digital technologies continue to transform 
    the way we play, learn and work. Alone technologies will not improve learning outcomes but, allowing students to collaborate, communicate and create through the use of technologies will redefine the way students learn. Embedding digital learning within my pedagogies will allow opportunities to strengthen my teaching and students learning with the 21st century skills they need.

    Apart from blogging which allows teachers and students to share pictures, images, videos and web links there are several digital media and software applications for teachers and students to further build their skills and knowledge.

    The following digital tools are used in schools across Victoria in Home Economics:

    Comic Life
    Is used as a visual tool to engage and present a summary or sequence of a process by turning them in to comic strips.

    Inspiration or Freemind
    Is an a electronic mind mapping tool where learners can categorize nutrients or food and add relevant images or videos.

    Photo Story
    Is a multi media tool that uses still images to make videos, voice overs and music to present food, textiles and processes.

    To read more on the Victorian Journal of Home Economics check out this link:VJHE_Vol53_No1.pdf (homeeconomics.com.au)


    SAMR Model and Home Economics

    Recipes are in a word document for students to edit.

     The word document also links to online resources such as videos of difficult techniques and nutrition websites.

     Students upload their recipes to an online portfolio or blog; they justify their preferred option using links to website and their own videos or photos as evidence.

     Students work is shared in a collaborative space or blog where they review each other’s work or collaborate to create a healthy meal. They contribute to online discussions and share their learning. Experts or students from other schools can be invited to the space to further the collaboration. 

    Legal Safe and Ethical Practice

    There are many dimensions of legal, safe and ethical practices.
    When using ICT's or any technology to be precise students and teachers are to use the appropriate practices and protocols of the educational institution while using technology and ICT's and to safely create, communicate and share information.

    Students are to:

    Recognize intellectual property.
    Apply digital information security and practices.
    Apply personal security protocols and
    Identify the impact of ICT's in society.

    I would like to reach out and say a big thank you for those that took the time to read my blog.


      Pedagogy in Action: Why Use Media to Enhance Teaching Learning: 


      Victoria Journal of Home Economics Vol 53, No 1 (2014): 


    Pedagogy Meets Digital Media: A Tangle of Teachers, Strategies, and Tactics:


    HMH Free Graphic Organizer Templates:


    Befunky- Photo Editing and Graphic Design Made Free for Everyone:


    Audacity- Free Open Source, Cross-Platform Audio Software:



    1. Hi Anita! Well done on completing an interesting post about digital media. Firstly, you have introduced your post with a personal reflection on your exploration into digital technologies and pedagogies – I like what you did with this. I think you have referred to a range of relevant sources that have helped you gain a clear understanding of how digital media is used and translated in a secondary classroom including another teachers perspective (Julie Rust) ! I loved that you included this example. I completely agree that teachers find it a daunting process shifting their lens from traditional teaching into this new age of teaching. It can be a slippery slope challenging ones beliefs and ensuring teachers keep that growth mindset to keep learning and growing as a professional for the sake of our students! In this same section you have about traditional teaching, have you considered the impact this has on students? I would also be mindful of the font and sizes you are using throughout your blog to keep cohesion and clarity for the reader. In line with the assessment criteria, I would suggest exploring one particular media and using screenshots to show your understanding and use of the media in a classroom content, this would elevate your post (perhaps choosing one of the tools using in Home Ec in Vic you mention). In terms of expanding your post further, think about the purpose, the impact and what this would look like in YOUR classroom, don’t be afraid to go beyond the scope of how traditional home economic classrooms teach and learn – get creative!

    2. Hi Anita,
      Thank you for your thoughtful post. I especially liked your inclusion of the Carleton article, I found that one hard to plough through but I really connected with your summary. I also appreciated your the connections you drew to the Home Ec classroom. I feel optimistic that the creative processes inherent to the design technologies curriculum lend themselves well to integrated digital pedagogy, as your examples illustrate. I echo Ashlyn's suggestions and before final submission, can I just suggest a proof read for spelling etc. Otherwise, congratulations on a concise and informative post.

    3. Hi Anita,
      There was a lot of diverse skill shown in your blog.
      You have researched quite a few different digital media available and demonstrated how to apply this to Home Ec. I was looking for your demonstration of skills in one of those medias. As Ashlyn suggested, a few screen shots of your favourite digital media to demonstrate some "evidence of your exploration"
      I personally didn't like the typewriter font, preferring a more solid font. I'm not sure what other think.
      If you put hyperlinks into your heading, this shows attribution to the creator, and it also allows the reader to go to Be Funky and Comic Life, without having to google it.
      I enjoyed reading your post.


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