Web Spaces-Digital Pedagogies


As I delve into the depths of modern technology I find myself slightly overwhelmed and lost in understanding the concepts of a complex digital world that I've not yet experienced.

In saying this, I am excited to lean something new that will further improve my practice as a pre-service teacher.  This opportunity will allow me to express, critically reflect, collaborate not only with peers but the greater community in the digital world.

What are the differences between a Blog, Wiki and a Website?

make a website hub

For some the question is what is the difference between a blog and a wiki? According to Jamie from Make a website hub, a blog is typically known as an online journal or diary that can include an array of content from texts, videos, animations, pictures or other documents you may wish to display for the public to see. 

A WIKI is defined as an online website that allows multiple authors and collaboration editing of content that is structured by users. As Zach LeBar explains:

The idea of a "Wiki" may seem odd at first, but dive in, explore its links and it will soon seem familiar. "Wiki" is a composition system; it's a discussion medium; it's a repository; it's a mail system; it's a tool for collaboration. We don't know quite what it is, but we do know it's a fun way to communicate asynchronously across the network.

What Are Wikis, and Why Should You Use Them? (tutsplus.com)

A website on the other hand is a collection of web pages that uses a URL (uniform resource locator) that allows you to gain access to an array of information, pictures and other exciting content.


Watch this video.↓↓


So why is it important to embed Technology and ICTs into modern day education?

With most things moving online in recent years, it's important that we as future educators understand the capabilities and concepts of digital technology and how to embed these into practice in the classroom. On the Australian Curriculum website under F-10 Curriculum-General Capabilities, students are to develop information and communication technology (ICT) capability as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately to access, create, and communicate information, ideas, and to solve problems while working collaboratively in all learning areas at school.   

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability | The Australian Curriculum

Web Spaces.

As I said earlier, delving in to technology has left me a little overwhelmed and uneasy as this is new to me. Though in saying this, I have taken little leaps in adventuring into Moodle, Blogger and of course MS Teams. I am learning to navigate and build on conceptual knowledge that will no doubt-ably be used when I become a teacher. While be adventurous I stumbled across scoop it! 

Has become and indispensable learning tool throughout educational institutions. Have a look at scoop it! in the classroom link, and read Leanna Johnson-learning with technology as she explains linking scoop it! with the standards and the curriculum throughout education is important.

As part of our Digital Pedagogies Secondary Unit, We as learners a required to communicate and share information with our fellow peers by using MS Teams.

MS Teams is a great way to collaborate with others through communicating, sharing ideas and providing feedback on each others work. 



What is Blogger?
Blogger is a platform that people can use to upload a digital footprint of a diary or journal. A blog is generally seen to cater for an audience and not to be hidden behind a dark curtain.

For teacher, using a blog is a great resource and tool to engage students in collaborative learning. Teachers should use a blog to keep their students up to date with assignment information, relay useful resources for learners to use and collaborate in online learning. Students should use a blog to improve on their ICT skills, improve their writing skills and keep in touch with peers using feedback.

Check out this site for more information on how to use a blog in the classroom.

eLearning Industry

How To Use Blogs In the Classroom - eLearning Industry

What did I find out ?

As we know, web spaces are the new trend for education in this ever evolving world and society. For contemporary learning, web spaces have become beneficial for both the teacher and the student being able to access content through the many platforms available on the world wide web.


Incorporating Digital Technology and the SAMR Model.

The SAMR Model is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration in Education. 

Dr Ruben Puentedura created this model to share a common language across all disciplines so that educators could help learners visualize complex concepts of digital technology.

The Substitution stage is focused on a more traditional approach to conceptualize learning Teachers may use an electronic or web based version of a document instead of a hard copy.

The Argumentation stage again sees the use of a traditional framework but slowly increasing the use of technology that sees a significant enhancement to the student experience. 

Both Substitution and Argumentation are the enhancement breakdown of the SAMR Model.

Modification is the stage where we see the chance from Enhancement to Transformation. This is where the change by design comes into play allowing for teachers to structure the lesson and provide the learning outcome while implementing technology.

Redefinition is not only the last stage, but represents the transformation that technology has on a student experience and performance.

Read more: follow this link.🠟

SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration | Schoology


By using the SAMR model in Design and Technology Students can:

Substitution: Use a basic word document to write a recipe instead of hand writing it. 

Argumentation: Students use the internet individually or in small teams to create a PowerPoint on how to work as a group and maintain sustainable kitchen.

Modification: Students can use a multiple range of digital technologies to produce a video and explain why they chose their recipe of choice. 

Redefinition: Students can connect with others from around the world and collaborate, and discuss examples of each others work.

Date 27/3/21 



  1. Anita, I like what you have done by introducing your blog post with an honest insight into how you’re feeling about technology and this unit. I related with your ideas on how the SAMR model is demonstrated in a Design Tech classroom (Food). I also really liked the way you included “what did I find out?”, this allowed me as a reader to acknowledge your understanding however prompt yourself with questions further “What did I find out about the functionality of web spaces? Do I have any concerns in regards to using web spaces in my classroom? What does ICT/technology look like in a practical subject/classroom?”. I believe your blog post would be enhanced by including specific examples and links to your own beliefs about these particular spaces as you have provided more of a summary of their functions. Perhaps think in terms of how you could use these spaces in a creative way in your teaching area of Home Ec. In line with the assessment criteria, I do believe you are required to focus on one particular web space and deeply reflect on your exploration of your chosen space (for instance, I chose to look into blogs specifically and used a blogging site as an example and really think deeply about what this would look like in your classroom as in how you would set it out, what content would you include etc. With this, I would include screen captures of your exploration and functions that would support your teaching context.

  2. Anita, you have engaged well with the novice blog user, as I too feel out of my comfort zone. I can see you have integrated other media, links, fonts and colour into your blog. This indicates you are learning to navigate around the tools in Blogger. By providing feedback on other student's Blog we have the opportunity to see what is possible and slowly work toward finding out how they did it. In no time you will be an expert.
    I like your use of reference material to support your ideas. Mainly these were or links to other sites. I feel you redirected the reader to the source so they can investigate how they would use ICT in their classroom, instead of giving a personal explanation on how you would utilise ICT in your classroom. You could summarise the resource as an introduction or conclusion.
    You understand SAMR well as you have provided an example to the reader.
    Congratulations on your post, well done.


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