Legal, Safe and Ethical Practices


Legal, safe and ethical practice and what it means for you

What are the dimensions of legal, safe and ethical practice outlined in the Australian Curriculum: ICT as a General Capability?

When using ICT's, students are to apply appropriate practices and protocols while establishing their understanding on technology within the educational context. Students are to safely create, communicate and share information while applying the following dimensions: Recognize intellectual property Apply digital information, security and practices. Apply personal security protocols and Identify the impacts of ICT in society.


What will you need to consider in your curriculum learning areas?

In the curriculum area that I will be teaching, the general use of ICT's are used to extend and build on student capabilities by using the relevant technologies to communicate and produce design content. Furthermore, to access information using digital technologies to understand the impact ICT's have on designed solutions. 


Legal, safe and ethical practice and what it means for you

What are the dimensions of legal, safe and ethical practice outlined in the Australian Curriculum: ICT as a General Capability?

When using ICT's, students are to apply appropriate practices and protocols while establishing their understanding on technology within the educational context. Students are to safely create, communicate and share information while applying the following dimensions: Recognize intellectual property Apply digital information, security and practices. Apply personal security protocols and Identify the impacts of ICT in society. 


What will you need to consider in your curriculum learning areas?

In the curriculum area that I will be teaching, the general use of ICT's are used to extend and build on student capabilities by using the relevant technologies to communicate and produce design content. Furthermore, to access information using digital technologies to understand the impact ICT's have on designed solutions. 






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